Continuous local WebdriverIO testing with 'onchange' and 'node-notifier'
I've been building out a bunch of content for my WebdriverIO course recently and wanted to share a neat idea (I think so anyways) for a minor addition to your WebdriverIO suite.
Update: WebdriverIO now supports "watch" mode out of the box
Using two NPM packages and a little bit of scripting, we can run our tests automatically on file change, and send a system notification on test failure (similar to how grunt-watch or Chimp's 'watch' configuration work).
Here's what it looks like:
To achieve this, do three things:
- Install 'onchange' and 'node-notifier':
npm install --save-dev onchange node-notifier
- Add this line to your
scripts property:"test:watch": "onchange 'src/**/*.[css,js,html]' 'test/**/*.js' -- wdio"
- Add the following to your
var notifier = require('node-notifier');
exports.config = {
// ...All your other configs...
onPrepare: function (config, capabilities) {
title: 'WebdriverIO',
message: 'Test run started'
afterTest: function (test) {
if (!test.passed) {
title: 'Test failure!',
message: test.parent + ' ' + test.title
onComplete: function(exitCode) {
title: 'WebdriverIO',
message: 'Tests finished running.'
You can then run your 'watch' script with npm run test:watch
and your tests will execute every time you make a change.
This might be overkill for some type of dev work, but can be handy in specific situations, especially when you're debugging a test.
I go in to this step by step in Module 5, Lesson C of my WebdriverIO course if you want further details.