What's up with WebdriverCSS?

I found out about WebdriverIO through WebdriverCSS. Seems strange, since WebdriverIO is so powerful on its own, but yeah, WebdriverCSS introduced me to the awesomeness that is WebdriverIO. Visual Regression Testing has always been an interest of mine. I talked about it at CSSDevConf in 2013, when I demoed the… Continue Reading 'What's up with WebdriverCSS?'


Depression is controlling. You don't want to feel better. You want to sulk. You don't want someone to help, because it would take away the pleasure of feeling bad. You certainly don't want some medication or therapy, because really you're just being melodramatic and don't deserve special attention. But you… Continue Reading 'Depression'

3 Posts on Coding

I've written a few technical posts for the Invision Engineering Blog and figured I'd link to them from here: Better Pull Request Management with Custom Labels Sharing ESLint Across Teams Testing Our Shared ESLint Configs If you can't tell, I really like ESLint :)… Continue Reading '3 Posts on Coding'