Visual Regression Testing is Stupid
Computers are really good at spotting differences in images, and absolutely horrible at knowing whether those differences matter. What can we do?… Continue Reading 'Visual Regression Testing is Stupid'
Computers are really good at spotting differences in images, and absolutely horrible at knowing whether those differences matter. What can we do?… Continue Reading 'Visual Regression Testing is Stupid'
A little while back I wrote aboute how to install WebdriverCSS with WebdriverIO 4.x. Well, that no longer works :\ The future of WebdriverCSS is still up in the air. Right now the official direction is that it will merge with wdio-screenshot, but progress on that front has been a… Continue Reading 'A stop-gap for WebdriverCSS'
I found out about WebdriverIO through WebdriverCSS. Seems strange, since WebdriverIO is so powerful on its own, but yeah, WebdriverCSS introduced me to the awesomeness that is WebdriverIO. Visual Regression Testing has always been an interest of mine. I talked about it at CSSDevConf in 2013, when I demoed the… Continue Reading 'What's up with WebdriverCSS?'