I'm bad at diversity

I recently read a fantastic post by a trans-man named Graham Daniels about his journey to discovering his true self. It's one of those posts that takes soul to write and a willingness to be vulnerable to publish. Coming out shouldn't be a big deal. Actually, scratch that. Maybe it… Continue Reading 'I'm bad at diversity'

Test Your Login

Here's an idea: Fill out a form and get a WebdriverIO script that tests the login/registration process on your site. Not a generic script that you have to customize. Once already set up to your specific page elements with your specific URLs and specific text. That's the idea behind… Continue Reading 'Test Your Login'

Crazy for trying

I'm going to try something crazy. I'm going to try and type a blog post while watching my 2 year old son. I should follow that up with "watching him destroy the already messy kitchen as he unpacks dirty dishes from the dishwasher I was trying to fill moments… Continue Reading 'Crazy for trying'